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20 years ago,

I walked up to this handsome man in a wine lounge ......

in Johannesburg, South Africa

and whispered these

Four Words….

“Buy Me A Drink”?

I had no idea that those fours words would be the beginning of a HEROIC LOVE ADVENTURE, but deep down I suspected that this was partner in ECSTASY!

2 hours into our wine tasting experience, I knew that Robert Murphy was my Baby Daddy.

A World Of Posibilities

As an African woman,

I’ve seen & experienced the effects of powerful woman being beaten into obedience and silenced by threats of rape or, even worse, being raped and tortured to suppress their powerful voices.

When I looked into Robert’s eyes, all I saw was pure love and compassion. This soul has been my spiritual teacher, my lover, my parent, my executive coach, my creativity teacher & my Baby Daddy.

We’ve consciously nurtured a company that will leave an Invincible Legacy 100,000,000 years after we both take our last breaths.

I consciously chose not to be a mother of  ** my little beings ** & I’m grateful I married a man who saw & championed the greater vision that was praying through me from the prayers of my ancestors & his.

I have children I love all over the world. We are fulfilling our Invincible Visionary’s Journey as we plant seeds of Self Love & Appreciation all over the world.


But hang on, I know what you're thinking.....

“This is ALL FUCKIN’ Bullshit fairytales.

Life doesn’t work like this. I’ve had enough broken relationships to know better.

FUCK YOU, with your spiritual bullshit”

Am I in your head now?

Ok, Now Please Hear Me…

I get you. I get the cynicism, the disbelief, the skepticism, the resignation & the despondency. I totally empathize from an emotional experience, I’ve lived it, just like you.

Pain Is Life’s Equalizer. 

It Doesn’t Matter How Much Money You Have or Don’t Have, Emotional Pain, Will Cripple Even The Strongest.


I too can totally go back into a time in my memory, where I believed, people were…

  • Trash,
  • Never to be trusted
  • And I need to protect myself at all costs.

living out our

individual ministries.

I get you,

Truly I do, it sucks to be mired in such negativity,

especially when you know yourself to be a VISIONARY.  


Tell The Truth & Shame The Devil, REALLY 🙄

So YES, Robert and I have had a lot of growing up to do. We don’t hide this.  Sometimes I’m the parent, sometimes he is the disciplinary in our home & our company. It’s how we roll  & it works for us – So Don’t Judge, Learn! We’re Also Learning How To “Adult” As We Go Along.

What I’ve learned from my Handsome Husband is how to lead myself through and with kindness. I learned to Love Myself, because I watched Robert Accept himself just as he is.

There’s no THRILLS, FRILLS or Magic. He is a consistent man, who keeps his word & most importantly, he challenges me to Always Think Outside The Box.

We’ve lived and worked in Shanghai, China, Osaka, Japan, Johannesburg, South Africa, Europe & America.

We’ve traveled to more country’s than we can count for work and pleasure. We live out our ministry, one person, one Culture & one smile at a time.

We believe in lOVE no matter what shape, size, color, culture or creed. we believe humanity can learn to love, no matter how painful our history’s have been.

Bayate, Bayate, Bayate!

Now hopefully I’ve satisfied your curiosity. I’m a very private person, so is my Handsome Husband. 

Honestly, we’re just creative geeks – who are super introverted, meaning we enjoy each others company, a lot of personal space & time alone to think.

So, Let’s Explore Our Professional Adventures.

My Team

and I,

Will Not Tolerate Abuse

Emails, endless complaining & you not taking responsibility for your life experience. Yes, we make mistakes, yes, we get caught up in our own lives & yes, sometimes we might fall short of your  **Perfectionist Standards**.

Please be patient with us (as you would like us to have patience with your learning journey). In this sacred space, we’re experiencing what it is to embody the qualities of a Visionary. We’re Co-Dreaming a new way of being, as we move through the forrest of this incredible adventure called life.

English is not my Mother Tongue. Don’t expect perfect English, I’m not English, I’m A Proud Zulu Women, Who Thrives in the international business world. My love speaks louder than any private school education I’ve received with gratitude in South Africa & America. The Prayers of The African Ancestors ushering me forward, open the Sacred Space For You & I To Collaborate & Co-Create A World Filled with Love, Understanding & Actionable Peace. My Ancestors Honor Your Ancestors As We Dream Boldly, Knowing We’re Victorious Together.

Thokoza. Thokoza. Thokoza.

Have A Question? Don’t Be Shy, Ask Away, We’ll Do Our Best To Guide You.

How do I know when you're in a state of equilibrium, and how can I maintain it?